ROSEMARY - Rosmarinus officinalis (Labiatae)

Parts used in phytotherapeutic preparations:
leaves, flowers, young shoots

Dominant active principles:
- essential oil (cineole, camphor, alpha-pinene, borneol)
- phenolic acids ci (rosemary co, etc.)
- flavonoids
- diterpenes, triterpenes

Tropism towards organs and systems:
hepatobiliary, nervous and neurovegetative systems, skin, mucous membranes

- balsamic
- carminative, eupeptic
- cholagogue, choleretic
- mildly diuretic
- antispasmodic
- tonic, stimulating
- antiseptic, healing (skin. mucous membranes)
- expectorant, bechica
- antioxidant

Beneficial activities on the organism:
- facilitates digestion
- promotes bile production and bile outflow
- spasmolytic action
- invigorating action in asthenia and dystonia
- balsamic action in catarrhal forms (suffumigation)
- soothing action in rheumatism and skin and scalp impurities (external use)

Undesirable effects associated with high dosages:
- gastrointestinal disorders, excitation, insomnia
- convulsions (essential oil)

Use as a curative remedy (main pharmaceutical forms, consult an expert for dosages):
- Mother Tincture
- Glycerinate macerate (young shoots)
- Fluid Extract
- Dry Extract
- Infusion
- Essential Oil
- Suffumigation

Pot size: 

Bush Ø 09 - 10 - 14 - 18 - 25 - 30 Organic Ø 14

Sapling Ø 10 - 11 tc - 14 - 17×17 vq - 20 bonsai - 23×23 vq bonsai