ORIGANO Origanum Vulgare

Parts used:
leaves and flowers

Uses and properties:
particularly suitable for flavouring fish, meat, pizzas, cheese, mozzarella, salads, baked goods and vegetables.
Utilizzato anche nell’industria conserviera, in cosmesi e liquoristica.

Parts used in phytotherapeutic preparations:
aerial parts

Dominant active principles:
– olio essenziale (timolo, carvacrolo, alfa- terpinene, linaiolo, cimolo, alfa-thuyone, ecc.)
– tannino
– princìpi amari
- flavonoids
– ac. rosmarinico, ac. caffeico
– vitamina A

Tropism towards organs and systems:
digestive system. respiratory system, mucous membranes

– aromatizzante, balsamica
– digestiva, stomachica
- antispasmodic
– antisettica , antiparassitaria
– bechica, espettorante
– blandamente coleretica e diuretica

Beneficial activities on the organism:
- facilitates digestion
– diminuisce il gonfiore addominale e le flatulenze
– aiuta il fisiologico microambiente intestinale
– lenitivo nelle infiammazioni del cavo orale e nell’ alitosi
- spasmolytic action
– azione lenitiva e f1uidificante sulla tosse
– adiuvante nel vomito

Undesirable effects associated with high dosages:
not reported (usual precautions for essential oil derivatives)

Use as a curative remedy (main pharmaceutical forms, consult an expert for dosages):
– Infuso, decotto
- Essential Oil
– suffumigi
- Powder
- Mother Tincture

Pot size: 

Cespuglio Ø 14 – 18  Biologico Ø 14