Parts used:
leaves and flowers
Uses and properties:
widely used in Ligurian cuisine for fillings, to flavour meat, roasts, mushrooms, salads, meatballs, omelettes and dishes at the end of cooking.
Parts used in phytotherapeutic preparations:
sommità fiorile, foglie
Dominant active ingredients:
– olio essenziale ( terpinene, lerpincnolo, thuycnolo, linanolo, ccc.)
- tannin
- flavonoids
– ac. rosmarinico, ac. caffeico, ac . ursocolico, ac. oleanolico
– arbutina, idrochinone
– vitamine (A, C)
Tropism towards organs and systems:
digestive system, respiratory system, mucous membranes
- aromatic, balsamic
- digestive, stomachic
- antispasmodic
– antisettica, antiparassitaria
- bechica, expectorant
– stimolante
– blandamente diuretica, depurativa
Beneficial activities on the organism:
- facilitates digestion
- decreases abdominal bloating and flatulence
- helps the physiological intestinal microenvironment
– adiuvante nel trattamento del raffreddore
- spasmolytic action
– azione lenitiva e fluidificante sulla tosse e sui catarri bronchiali
– azione antisettica e antiparassitaria (intestino, vie urinarie)
– azione tonica ed antiastenica
Undesirable effects associated with high dosages:
– non segnalati (solite precauzioni per i derivati a base di olio essenziale)
Use as a curative remedy (main pharmaceutical forms, consult an expert for dosages):
- Infusion, decoction
- Essential Oil
- Suffumigation
- Powder
- Mother Tincture
Pot size:
Bush Ø 14 - 18 Organic Ø 14